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Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
3BUTTON_ 3D Control for Visual B2   3DCTL_ CTL3D and Visual Basic2   3DFADES_ Fading a Form2
ABOUTBOX_ AboutBox Class2   ALPHBET_ VB3 Game Source Code2   ANICMDBTN_ Animated Command B2
ANIMATE_ Animation 1.02   APIBK_ Visual Basic Prog. Guide2   APIREG_ Win 95 Registry2
AUTOCAP_ Capitalize Text2   AUTOSIZE_ Example of Autosizing2   BALLONS_ Ballon Help in VB wi2
BALLOON_ Balloon Help (1.1)2   BALLOONS_ v1.0 VB Balloon Hel2   BALOONHLP_ VB Balloon Help Examp2
BAS_ Winsock.bas2   BASICVB_ Code Examples2   BFLY_ Event Timer2
BIGTEXT_ Simple Big Text Box2   BITS_ Bit Shift Functions for VB2   BMP_DB_ Bitmap Data Base2
BRDGM_ Board Game Code2   BUTNXMPL_ VB Button Bar Example2   CACOSCR_ CacoDemon Screen Saver2
CALVB_ Visual Basic, Calendar,2   CARDWAR_ VB Card Game Example2   CCALC_ Cute Free Calculator2
CCARDVAL_ CCVu v0.7B2   CD_ v1.0 VB Shuffle CD Player Ex2   CDPLYR_ VB4.0 CD Player V32
CIRCFRM_ Circular Form2   CLEARBMP_ Transparent Bitmaps2   CNET_ Network C-Room Link2
CODEBANK_ Visual Basic Code B2   CODECOPY_ v1.0 Codenapper VB2   COMDLG_ Common Dialogs for VB42
CONTPNL_ Demo of how to fake2   CTRLDEMO_ VB Controls Demo Progr2   CUSCUR_ Custom Mouse Pointers in2
CUSCUR_ VB Custom Cursors2   DATACTRL_ v1.0 VB Data Control E2   DAZZLEVB_ Visual Basic 256 Color2
DBCREATE_ DBCREATE Source Code2   DBDEMO_ View_Create Databases2   DBLIST_ VB Example of String Lis2
DBRELATE_ VB Relational Database2   DCRYPT_ v1.0 VB Decrypt, Encrypt2   DDDFX95_ Awesome 3D Effects f2
DEMOTIMR_ VB Demo Timebomb Examp2   DIALOGBOX_ Dialog Box Example in2   DICER_ V 1.0 Dice Roller for VB2
DICEROLL_ Dice Roller2   DINO_ DinoTime v1.052   DISKFRMT_ Format Dialog Code2
DPSHARE_ Digital Power Tools Sh2   EDITGRID_ VB Editable Grid Code2   ELASTIC_ VB Code to Resize Forms2
EMBNOTE_ VB _Embedding_ Example2   EXAMPLE_ AddItem, RemoveItem, Cl2   EXITWIN_ Windows Exiter v0.012
FADECODE_ v2.0 VB Gradient Form2   FASTLOOK_ Visual Basic Fast2   FAT32FREESPC_ Disk Free Space2
FBIFILE_ WAV File Demo2   FILEFIND_ V1.0 VB File Search2   FILEPTH95_ V0196 Windows 95 F2
FILFIND_ Find Files in Windows2   FIND95_ Browse for Folder Dia2   FINDFILE_ Find File(s) Faster2
FINDSORT_ Find_Sort Window fo2   FORM3D_ v1.0 Cheap 3D for Visual2   FORMFADE_ v2.0 VB Fade Form Code2
FREESPY_ VB Spy example2   FREEVBX.ZIP_ Microhelp Demo2   FRMFADE_ Gradiant Black to Blue2
FRMPOS_ Position Forms Easily2   FRMTILE_ Tiling a form2   FSTFIND_ Search Drive2
FTFIND_ File Seek (VB Source2   FXTOOLS_ v1.10 VB Multimedia Eff2   GDS_ VB Game Development System2
GETYOUR$_Registration Screen Uti2   GRADFRM_ Dithered_Gradient Forms2   GRIDPRNT_ Printing a Visual Basi2
HIDECURS_ VB Hide Cursor Example2   HLPBALLN_ VB Help Balloons Examp2   HYPRTEXT_ v1.0 VB Hypertext S2
ICO2BMP_ Icon to Bitmap Conve2   IMGCLASS_ Image Tile Example2   INIEXMPL_ V1.0 VB .INI Read_Writ2
INIFUNC_ Visual Basic INI-Fil2   INPROCSAMP_ VB4 Example(s)2   INVADERS_ VB Space Invaders2
KATANA_ V1.0 Bug Tracking2   KCATWIRE_ 3D Wireframe Maze Demo2   KCBITMAP_ 3D Bitmap Maze Demo fo2
KTENCODE_ v1.0 String Encryption2   LED_ Digit Display2   LEDDEMO_ Custom Digital Display2
LIGHTS_ Sample VB program2   LISTBOX_ List Box usage2   LNDSCP_ VB Example of Landscape2
MAGICAL MagiCal 1.0 - Calenda2   MANYTH_ VB Screen Saver Example2   MANYTHING_ Example VB Screen Sav2
MCI_SEND_ MCI in VB and API prof2   MCIWAVE_ Wave Sample2   MCIWAVE_ Visual Basic MCI WAV2
MDBPIC_ How to Save Images To2   MEMINFO_ VB Memory Info Example2   MESSGBOX_ V2.0 VB Msgbox Viewer2
METER Control2   MIDIPLAY_ Play MIDI files in VB2   MNUBMP_ VBMenuBMP2
MODSETUP_ v1.0 Modified VB Setup2   MOUSCROL_ v1.0 VB Scrolling Pict2   MOVGICON_ VB Moving Icon Example2
MPG_ Miles to the Gallon Cal2   MRBURNS_ Who Killed Mr. Burns_2   MSGBOX_ v1.0 VB MsgBox Code G2
MSGBXWIZ_ V1.0a MsgBox Wizard2   MSGMSTR_ MsgBox Master V4.02   MULTAPI_ VB4 MMAPI Example2
MULTIMED_ v1.3 VB Multimedia Mas2   MULTITXT_ Printing a Multi-li2   NEXTPASS_ v1.0 NeXT Password Moc2
NOMINMAX_ MDI Parent Example2   NWTEST_ Visual Basic_Network Dev2   ONTOP_ Forms stay on top2
ONTOP_ Stay On Top Code2   OWNRMNU_ Owner Drawn Menu2   PASSIN_ password input form2
PAUSE_ Timeout.bas2   PERCENTBAR_ Percent Bar2   PERFMETR_ A VB meter sample2
PICBUTNS_ Using Pictures as Cont2   PLAYWAV_ Play WAV Files2   POLYGON_ VB Graphics example2
POPBOX_ Tool-Tips _baloon help_2   POPHELP_ Emulate Microsoft toolb2   POWERTCP_PowerTCP Toolkit for VB2
PRGPALET_ Program Launch for VB2   PRINTMARG_ Printing w_margins2   PRINTPIC_Printing Bitmaps2
PRNTGRID_ Printing MS Grid C2   PRNTINFO_ v1.0 VB Printer Info E2   PROCVIEW_ Procedure Viewer2
PROGRESS_ VB Progress Bar Code2   PROPSPY_ v2.0 VB Property Spy2   PRTGRAPH_ VB Print Graph Example2
PRTPIK_ VB Printer Example2   PRTPREVW_ VB Previewer_Doc Creat2   PRTPREVW_ VB Print Preview Demo2
PWORD_ Password EXE & Source2   QUICKVIEW_ v1.0 VB BMP and ICO2   QWKVIEW_ Quick View2
RAYCAST_ VB Raycasting2   REGAGENT_ Registry Agent2   REGISTER_ Registration Sample2
REGSVR32ADD_ Registry Sample2   RESANIMATE_ Resource Animate2   ROSETTES_ Screensaver w_ VB 3.02
ROTATE_ Rotate Text2   RWINI_ VB Read_Write .INI2   RWINI_ INI File Reader and Wr2
SAMP822_ VB Sample ActiveForm2   SCHDL+_Schedule Plus 1.0 Inte2   SCRCAP_ VB Screen Capture2
SCREENSVR_ VB Screen Saver Examp2   SCRNSAVE_ VB Screen Saver Exampl2   SCRNSAVE_ VB Screen Saver Source2
SCRNSAVR_ VB Screen Saver Code2   SCRNSAVR_ VB Screen Saver Exampl2   SCROLTXT_ VB Scrolling Text Exam2
SEAABOUT_ My About Box2   SETUP95_ Stratoware Setup 1.102   SETUPK_ v1.11 VB SetupKit2
SHELLDEM_ VB Shell Demo2   SHOOTEM_ Sound_Animation Demo2   SLIDEWND_ v1.0 Sliding Windows2
SMALTITL_ VB Small Titlebar Exam2   SNDEVNT_ Win Sound Events2   SNDRES_ Wave Resource Example2
SOUNDER_ 32 bit Wav Player2   SPRITES_ Graphics Demo2   SRCPRINT_ v1.1 VB Code Printer U2
STARFLD_ VB 3D Starfield Example2   STATOP_ Make your forms stay2   STOREBMP_ Store_View BMP in VB D2
STRETCHBLT_ StretchBlt Demo2   STSBAR_ Status Bar for Visual ba2   SYSINFO_ System Info Example2
SYSTRAY_ Win 95 System Tray Demo2   TAGIT_ VB Bubble Help2   TBOLTWRI_ ThunderBolt for VB Fea2
TEXTBOX_ v1.0 VB TextBox Enhance2   TICTAC_ Tic-Tac-Toe2   TIPODAY_ Tip of the Day v2.02
TKBAR_ Another Button Bar_Inform2   TLBOX_ v1.0 VB Source Code Tool2   TOOLDEMO_ V1.0 VB ToolThings Dem2
TOOLTIP_ ToolTips v2.02   TOOLTIPS_ v1.0 VB ToolTips Examp2   TRAYICON_ v1.0 System Tray2
TTTSRC_ Tic Tac Toe for WAOL Sou2   UNDOCSHELL_ Shell32API Functions2   URL Example using API2
USRNAME_ User Name_Organization2   VB_ARCHIVE_ Text of Deleted VB M2   VB2DOC_ v1.0 Visual Basic to Doc2
VB32ONTOP_ Window Stays On Top2   VB3D_ v1.0 VB 3D Frames and Bord2   VB3DCTRL_ Visual Basic 3d Contro2
VB3DDEMO_ VB 3D Example2   VB3DDEMO_ Visual Basic 3D Source2   VB3DFORM_ 3D MsgBox_CMDialogs Ex2
VB3DMENU_ Visual Basic 3D Menu E2   VB5DEBUG_ v1.0 Debug Object2   VB5DIRECTX_ DirectX in VB2
VB5SUBCLASS_ VB5 Subclassing2   VBACCBMP_ Display Access 2.0 BMP2   VBADDINDEMO_ VB Add-In Example2
VBAR_ v1.05 Accounts Receivable2   VBBK06_ VB, Access Books2   VBBOOK_ Visual Basic Booklet mak2
VBCAL_ Calendar Control v1.42   VBCALC_ Visual Basic Calculator2   VBCALNDR_ V1.0 Visual Basic Cale2
VBCAP_ VB Screen Capture2   VBCD_ Example VB CD Player2   VBCLOCK_ V1.0 Button style clock2
VBCLOCK_ v1.0 VB Floating Clock2   VBCLOCK_ VBClock v1.1 Source2   VBCLOCK_ VBClock v1.2 Source2
VBCODE_ Free Source Code2   VBDEMO_ Visual Basic for DOS Dem2   VBERR_ VB 4.0 Error Handling2
VBEXTRA_ v1.00b Visual Basic Hel2   VBEXTRA_ Visual Basic 3D Sour3   VBEYES_ Moving Icon Eyes Example2
VBFORMS_ v1.0 VB Form Flash Exam2   VBFORMS_ v1.0 Visual Basic Form2   VBFRAME_ v1.0 VB 3D Frame Exampl2
VBFSR07S_ V0.07S System Resource2   VBGRAPHIC_ Gizmos for VB Prog2   VBGRID_ VB Grid Example2
VBHELP_ VB Helper 952   VBHWND_ v1.0 hWnd Utility2   VBLIBRY_ Visual Basic Source2
VBLML_ VB Text formatting2   VBMAIL_ A Program Example2   VBMAIL_ VB_Microsoft Mail Demo2
VBMAPS_ Map in VB Demo2   VBMIDI_ VB Midi Player Example2   VBMONGO_ VB Source Collection2
VBONTOP_ VB Floating Window Exam2   VBPANEL_ Visual Basic 3D Panel E2   VBPASSWD_ v1.0 VB Password for S2
VBPATCH_ VB Setup Kit Patches2   VBPOINTR Creating_Using Pointers2   VBPRINT_ v1.0 VB Print Preview E2
VBPSWRD_ VB Password Programs2   VBRANDOM_ VB Random Number Examp2   VBREGDAT_ File Associating in VB2
VBRENAME_ V1.0 VB File Rename So2   VBREPORT_ v1.0 VB_Crystal Report2   VBROM_ Rom Bios access for VB2
VBSAMPL_ VB Sample Code 22   VBSAMPLE_ Visual Basic Sample2   VBSCHED_ Scheduling Control2
VBSCHED_ Scheduling Control v2   VBSCROLR_ VB scroll sample2   VBSCRSAV_ VB Screen Saver Exampl2
VBSETUP_ v1.0 Enhanced VB Setup2   VBSOUND_ System Sounds2   VBTIPS_ Visual Basic Tip of t2
VBTOOLS_ VB Text Shareware D2   VBTOOLTIP_ Tip2.Zip - VB4 Ex2   VBTT_ VB Tips & Tricks - Apr 982
VBTTSVR_ v1.4 Tips & Tricks S2   VBUSERS_ International Visual Ba2   VBWINDOS_ WinDOS for Visual Basi2
VBWINSPY_ v1.0 VB Project Window2   VBWRAP_ v1.5 Visual Basic Extra2   VIDLIBP_ Open Visual Basic Appli2
VSVIEW_ VB Addon VBX2   W95SVR_ Win95 Screen Saver2   WAVEMBED_ Embed Wave in EXE2
WAVEPLOTDEMO_ OCX Example2   WAVPLUS_ v1.0 Recording_Playing2   WIN31API_ Win3.1 VB Declarations2
WINEXPLD_ VB Exploding Window2   WINHWND_ Window Routines2   WINSHORTCUT_ Creating a shortcut2
WINSPY32_ 32 Bit Windows Spy2   WINTREAT_ Window Treatments f2   WISEINST_ Wise Installation S2
WISESW_ Wise installation Pr2   WORDSCRAMBL_ Scrambling a Word2   WORDWRAP_ VB Word Wrap Code2
WPPS_ VB Example Code2   XPLODPIC_ VB Exploding Pictur2   ZIPCODE_ Zip to CITY and STATE L2

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